Lenten Reader | Day 2

Return To Me

“Even now,” declares the Lord,
     “return to me with all your heart,
     with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
Rend your heart
     and not your garments.

Joel 2:12-13
“Yet even now” are God’s words. Even when we have turned away, worshiped idols, or said we hate you Lord, He tell us, “return to me.” The Lord’s desire is for His children to come home. I believe many believers feel they need to have their lives in order before approaching God, believing the lie “once I achieve perfection or overcome my sin, then I can be with God.” But listen to God’s call to us: “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” God desires us as we are – the mess included.

Approaching someone during times of fasting, weeping, or mourning reveals your true self. It shows them who you are when your defenses are lowered. You are not perfectly composed, and you’re at your most vulnerable. God desires our messy, broken, and weary hearts – not a perfect version of us. We are invited to surrender our hearts to Him. God is asking us to give Him our hearts. If you are similar to me, you feel apprehensive about giving over your heart. You wonder, what if I get hurt? What if they do not like what they see? What if I am not good enough?

God understands our fears and shows that He can be trusted with our hearts. He is gracious and merciful, He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and He protects us. He is the one constant in our lives; that is the essence of God. He is the one we can trust with our broken, tattered, weary, and fearful hearts. God is calling out to you, asking you to come, bring your whole heart to him. Will you open your heart completely – flaws and all – or will you continue to wait for that day when you are finally put together? Oh, dear believer, the harsh reality is that day will never arrive. However, take comfort in the fact that God, who remains constant, is always there, patiently waiting for you to surrender your heart to Him.

Lydia Price



