Lenten Reader | Day 30

Many Rooms
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
John 14:1-4
John 14:1-4
“Inclusion” is a buzz word that gets a lot of attention these days. The goal is to make room for everyone, meet them where they are, and provide equal opportunities so that no one feels left out or marginalized. I think everyone can agree that this is an admirable goal. In practice our society is still struggling to achieve it. Hope keeps us trying to do better, include more people, end ostracization, find a place for everyone. Despite all efforts made, most people have felt the pain and heartache caused by being left out, being excluded from a group, or being left behind and forgotten.
Imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus told them He would have to leave, that they could not be included in the next part of His journey. I would imagine they were experiencing some serious separation anxiety. Maybe they felt like Jesus was moving on without them. I have to believe that they were concerned that He might not come back or that they may not be able to find Him again. In John 14:1-4, Jesus removes all fear of abandonment and promises a future together by stating directly, without any room for doubt, that they will have a place with Him in the Kingdom of God. He provides comfort and reassurance that He is preparing a specific place and that just by knowing Him, they will know the way.
The Father’s house has room for us all. Jesus’ words are spoken to ease our minds of the worry we experience when faced with the unknown. Maybe life will be hard, maybe we will face some struggles, but Jesus is preparing our room in God’s kingdom. He is reminding us of the promise of reunion and the gift of eternal life with Him.
Jessica Ramsey
Imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus told them He would have to leave, that they could not be included in the next part of His journey. I would imagine they were experiencing some serious separation anxiety. Maybe they felt like Jesus was moving on without them. I have to believe that they were concerned that He might not come back or that they may not be able to find Him again. In John 14:1-4, Jesus removes all fear of abandonment and promises a future together by stating directly, without any room for doubt, that they will have a place with Him in the Kingdom of God. He provides comfort and reassurance that He is preparing a specific place and that just by knowing Him, they will know the way.
The Father’s house has room for us all. Jesus’ words are spoken to ease our minds of the worry we experience when faced with the unknown. Maybe life will be hard, maybe we will face some struggles, but Jesus is preparing our room in God’s kingdom. He is reminding us of the promise of reunion and the gift of eternal life with Him.
Jessica Ramsey
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