Lenten Reader | Day 19

To Whom Shall We Go?
From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
John 6:66-69
“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
John 6:66-69
Have you ever been in a season of waiting? Maybe you have contemplated a difficult decision that you have prayed about for an extended amount of time. Do you ever wish Jesus would come down from heaven and tell you exactly what to do? I know there have been seasons in my life where this would have been more than helpful.
There were various times when Jesus’ teaching to His disciples was to step out in faith and follow Him. His promise to the disciples and to all who chose to follow Him is to receive eternal life. This is a promise that only He can fulfill because He is the source of all guidance and truth. Jesus was looking for a true and lasting commitment from His disciples. This type of faith required a continual action and dedication to Christ. The disciples learned over time that being a follower of Christ sometimes meant sacrifice and endurance of difficult circumstances.
As the disciples remained faithful to Jesus, He never failed to keep His promises. I reflect on how this has been true in my life. Looking back on times of uncertainty that I have experienced, I would often ask the question, “why?” Why is this happening? Will these circumstances ever change? How will I get through this? It was then that I was able to come to the Lord seeking His wisdom and guidance that I might receive the comfort and peace that only He can provide.
Although, at times, it was difficult to fully understand Jesus’ teaching and the requests for His devoted followers. With their continual obedience and faithfulness, they were able to receive the ultimate promise of eternal life. The eternal hope that would remain for generations to come. So when I reflect on any trials that I am facing, I can again turn to the Father who is always my source of strength, comfort, and peace.
Mallory Park
There were various times when Jesus’ teaching to His disciples was to step out in faith and follow Him. His promise to the disciples and to all who chose to follow Him is to receive eternal life. This is a promise that only He can fulfill because He is the source of all guidance and truth. Jesus was looking for a true and lasting commitment from His disciples. This type of faith required a continual action and dedication to Christ. The disciples learned over time that being a follower of Christ sometimes meant sacrifice and endurance of difficult circumstances.
As the disciples remained faithful to Jesus, He never failed to keep His promises. I reflect on how this has been true in my life. Looking back on times of uncertainty that I have experienced, I would often ask the question, “why?” Why is this happening? Will these circumstances ever change? How will I get through this? It was then that I was able to come to the Lord seeking His wisdom and guidance that I might receive the comfort and peace that only He can provide.
Although, at times, it was difficult to fully understand Jesus’ teaching and the requests for His devoted followers. With their continual obedience and faithfulness, they were able to receive the ultimate promise of eternal life. The eternal hope that would remain for generations to come. So when I reflect on any trials that I am facing, I can again turn to the Father who is always my source of strength, comfort, and peace.
Mallory Park
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