Lenten Reader | Day 33

There is Forgiveness

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;
    Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
    to my cry for mercy.
If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

Psalm 130:1-4
Admit it, we’ve all been there, in your car fighting traffic, trying to get to where you’re trying to go by the time you need to be there, and someone cuts you off. You want to lash out, honk the horn, perhaps even scream. Who do they think they are?

Or maybe you’ve been here; late at night, it’s been a challenging day and you struggle to find the mental peace to drift off to sleep. You yearn for rest and a fresh start tomorrow, but you are trapped in a cycle of shame, replaying that interaction you had with your coworkers, friend, child, parent, or spouse. How could you have said those things or acted in that way to someone you care so deeply about?

Both of these examples highlight man’s tendency to focus and dwell on the trivial and mundane – distractions robing us of a fulfilling and joyous life. As Christian’s we are set apart and called to see that there is so much more to life than just living, but we too are plagued with short attention spans and frequently get caught up in our own kingdoms.

But we are made for all this, and God is ready and willing to help so long as we just remember to ask. God created Adam to simply BE human. He created you as well to be wholly human, with all our human emotions and desires, all the good and the bad. God wants us to live and experience all of His creation – to be human. Our mistakes remind us that we weren’t created to go it alone, that we need God to guide us. This is no accident; it’s part of Gods plan to bring us closer to Him.

By His grace we are forgiven, not because of what we have done but because of what we are. Forgive others and forgive yourself, we are all Gods beloved creations. Let us call out to Him for forgiveness and allow our faults and imperfections to bring us closer to Him.

Eric Pritchard



