Lenten Reader | Day 7

The Lord is My Refuge
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
- Psalm 91:9-12
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
- Psalm 91:9-12
I have heard "the Lord is my refuge" as I have grown up in church. What does refuge mean? How can I better understand what it means to let the Lord be my refuge?
The definition of refuge is: a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. Meaning having a sense of security, safety, retreat, a haven, stronghold. Wow, what a powerful definition!
No matter how old one becomes, I hear people say, "I just need my mom or dad," or “if I could just talk to my mom or dad one more time.” That is certainly understandable because they were our first feeling of safety, of love, and of refuge. Just imagine the safety the Lord has to offer if there is no greater love than His.
I look at the uneasiness of the world. We want a house in a safe neighborhood and a safe school for our kids. We wear seat belts, helmets, and masks. We have passwords for everything, extra security codes for our credit cards, not to mention all the security in place to fly. We desire the feeling of safety.
We are not immune to the hardships of this world. God doesn’t promise to keep us from all the worldly suffering and trouble, but He does promise to be with us, rescue us in his perfect timing. We can walk in faith knowing this promises He has made to us.
The Lord desires to be our eternal refuge.
- Traci Click
The definition of refuge is: a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. Meaning having a sense of security, safety, retreat, a haven, stronghold. Wow, what a powerful definition!
No matter how old one becomes, I hear people say, "I just need my mom or dad," or “if I could just talk to my mom or dad one more time.” That is certainly understandable because they were our first feeling of safety, of love, and of refuge. Just imagine the safety the Lord has to offer if there is no greater love than His.
I look at the uneasiness of the world. We want a house in a safe neighborhood and a safe school for our kids. We wear seat belts, helmets, and masks. We have passwords for everything, extra security codes for our credit cards, not to mention all the security in place to fly. We desire the feeling of safety.
We are not immune to the hardships of this world. God doesn’t promise to keep us from all the worldly suffering and trouble, but He does promise to be with us, rescue us in his perfect timing. We can walk in faith knowing this promises He has made to us.
The Lord desires to be our eternal refuge.
- Traci Click
Father, be my refuge. Be my security in an insecure world. Help me to not find refuge in finances, entertainment, or work. Be my eternal refuge.
Father, be my refuge. Be my security in an insecure world. Help me to not find refuge in finances, entertainment, or work. Be my eternal refuge.
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