Lenten Reader | Day 19
When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable: “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
- Luke 14:7-11
- Luke 14:7-11
Humility can often be a confusing word, and so often thought to mean that you are to belittle yourself. But that isn’t the case at all. C.S. Lewis put it best when he said, “humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Or put more simply, put others first. In the passage we read from Luke, Jesus paints the picture of being at a wedding party and how humiliating it would be to put yourself at the head of the table and then be asked to move to the back. Whereas the total reverse of sitting at the end of the table and being asked to move forward would be very honoring.
Similarly, I see this almost daily working at a gym. So often there are those individuals who come in believing they know it all and want to tell others how much better they are and how much more they know. At the same time though, those people are consequently the ones I also see fail the most. But it is those who come in, mind their own business, humble themselves, and just do their role and work hard that I see have the most success.
I believe that correlates so well to us and our walk with Christ. We are not going to make the biggest difference for the kingdom by exalting ourselves and telling how great our faith is. All we need to do is keep our eyes on the Lord and focus on him alone. Put your head down, turn your headphones on and go to work, and let that do the talking. Let it be the way you live humbly and honor God that makes people have to ask what you have that is so different. And in turn God will use your humility and your work to do amazing things for the kingdom. Just as he finished this parable in Luke: “Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
-Taylor Kimbrough
Similarly, I see this almost daily working at a gym. So often there are those individuals who come in believing they know it all and want to tell others how much better they are and how much more they know. At the same time though, those people are consequently the ones I also see fail the most. But it is those who come in, mind their own business, humble themselves, and just do their role and work hard that I see have the most success.
I believe that correlates so well to us and our walk with Christ. We are not going to make the biggest difference for the kingdom by exalting ourselves and telling how great our faith is. All we need to do is keep our eyes on the Lord and focus on him alone. Put your head down, turn your headphones on and go to work, and let that do the talking. Let it be the way you live humbly and honor God that makes people have to ask what you have that is so different. And in turn God will use your humility and your work to do amazing things for the kingdom. Just as he finished this parable in Luke: “Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
-Taylor Kimbrough
Lenten Reader | Day 15Lenten Reader | Day 16Lenten Reader | Day 17Lenten Reader | Day 18Lenten Reader | Day 19Lenten Reader | Day 20Lenten Reader | Day 21Lenten Reader | Day 22Lenten Reader | Day 23Lenten Reader | Day 24Lenten Reader | Day 25Lenten Reader | Day 26Lenten Reader | Day 27Lenten Reader | Day 28Lenten Reader | Day 29Lenten Reader | Day 30Lenten Reader | Day 31Lenten Reader | Day 32Lenten Reader | Day 33Lenten Reader | Day 34Lenten Reader | Day 35Lenten Reader | Day 36Lenten Reader | Day 37Lenten Reader | Day 38Lenten Reader | Day 39Lenten Reader | Day 40Lenten Reader | Easter Sunday
Lenten Reader | Day 7Lenten Reader | Day 8Lenten Reader | Day 9Lenten Reader | Day 10Second Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 11Lenten Reader | Day 12Lenten Reader | Day 13Lenten Reader | Day 14Lenten Reader | Day 15Lenten Reader | Day 16Third Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 17Lenten Reader | Day 18Lenten Reader | Day 19Lenten Reader | Day 20Lenten Reader | Day 21Lenten Reader | Day 22Fourth Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 23Lenten Reader | Day 24Lenten Reader | Day 25Lenten Reader | Day 26Lenten Reader | Day 27Lenten Reader | Day 28Fifth Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 29Lenten Reader | Day 30Lenten Reader | Day 31Lenten Reader | Day 32Lenten Reader | Day 33