Lenten Reader | Day 18
One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. There in front of him was a man suffering from abnormal swelling of his body. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way.
Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child[a] or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say.
- Luke 14:1-6
Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child[a] or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say.
- Luke 14:1-6
Healing is alleviating one's pain or bringing one to full health. Jesus saw this man suffering, and he did not hesitate to heal him. Can we say that for ourselves? Maybe we've experienced the death of a loved one, but we deny ourselves time to grieve. Or we are holding a grudge and choose the pain over forgiveness. Fear and anxiety can freeze you and cause you to live in chains. There are a number of ways we allow pain to live in our lives. Sometimes we secretly hold onto the pain. We want the outside world to see only the happy, shiny parts of us. Or we are such slaves to the pain that we don't believe we deserve a different life.
Jesus doesn't want that for us. In fact, he hurts with us.
Yes, healing is a process, and it can cause us to face the hurt, grief, pain, or illness that we don't want to see. But the transformation is beautiful and freeing, especially if we invite Jesus to walk through the healing process with us. If we allow him to work, we can be restored to optimal health. So, what are we waiting on? Ask Jesus to help you let go of the pain or the grudge. Allow yourself to grieve in his presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you face the fear and anxiety. God sees your suffering and does not hesitate to heal.
-Christina Martin
Jesus doesn't want that for us. In fact, he hurts with us.
Yes, healing is a process, and it can cause us to face the hurt, grief, pain, or illness that we don't want to see. But the transformation is beautiful and freeing, especially if we invite Jesus to walk through the healing process with us. If we allow him to work, we can be restored to optimal health. So, what are we waiting on? Ask Jesus to help you let go of the pain or the grudge. Allow yourself to grieve in his presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you face the fear and anxiety. God sees your suffering and does not hesitate to heal.
-Christina Martin
Lenten Reader | Day 15Lenten Reader | Day 16Lenten Reader | Day 17Lenten Reader | Day 18Lenten Reader | Day 19Lenten Reader | Day 20Lenten Reader | Day 21Lenten Reader | Day 22Lenten Reader | Day 23Lenten Reader | Day 24Lenten Reader | Day 25Lenten Reader | Day 26Lenten Reader | Day 27Lenten Reader | Day 28Lenten Reader | Day 29Lenten Reader | Day 30Lenten Reader | Day 31Lenten Reader | Day 32Lenten Reader | Day 33Lenten Reader | Day 34Lenten Reader | Day 35Lenten Reader | Day 36Lenten Reader | Day 37Lenten Reader | Day 38Lenten Reader | Day 39Lenten Reader | Day 40Lenten Reader | Easter Sunday
Lenten Reader | Day 7Lenten Reader | Day 8Lenten Reader | Day 9Lenten Reader | Day 10Second Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 11Lenten Reader | Day 12Lenten Reader | Day 13Lenten Reader | Day 14Lenten Reader | Day 15Lenten Reader | Day 16Third Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 17Lenten Reader | Day 18Lenten Reader | Day 19Lenten Reader | Day 20Lenten Reader | Day 21Lenten Reader | Day 22Fourth Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 23Lenten Reader | Day 24Lenten Reader | Day 25Lenten Reader | Day 26Lenten Reader | Day 27Lenten Reader | Day 28Fifth Sunday of LentLenten Reader | Day 29Lenten Reader | Day 30Lenten Reader | Day 31Lenten Reader | Day 32Lenten Reader | Day 33