Rhythms of Grace | Monday, Week 4
Spiritual Practices: Couch to 5k
Designate a time during the day or the evening when you can be alone for 20 minutes.
As you read Genesis 1:1-2:3, pray for insight from the Holy Spirit.
What stands out to you as you read this creation account?
As you read Genesis 1:1-2:3, pray for insight from the Holy Spirit.
What stands out to you as you read this creation account?
Putting It Into Practice
Rule #1 Identify the Genre of Literature
One of the most common mistakes in reading and understanding the Scriptures is failing to identify the genre, or type of literature. Like music and movies, literature has different genres that need to be identified in order to arrive at a proper understanding. In the Bible there are all kinds of genres: poetry, story, prophecy, parable, apocalyptic, and history to name a few.
There are rules to interpretation based upon the style of writing or the intent of the author. For instance, you would interpret a poetry book differently from history book. You clearly understand that authors of poetry are using words and phrases in a different way than the writers of history might record events of the past. A poem from a friend or loved one must be read and interpreted differently than your car manual, right?
Today’s reading is Genesis 1:1-2:3. We’re stopping at 2:3 because a natural break occurs there and 2:4 most likely begins a new section. (Remember there were no chapters or verses when Genesis was originally written.)
In reading Genesis 1:1-2:3, what type of literature would you label it? Why? How does this help you understand what the author wants to communicate?
There are rules to interpretation based upon the style of writing or the intent of the author. For instance, you would interpret a poetry book differently from history book. You clearly understand that authors of poetry are using words and phrases in a different way than the writers of history might record events of the past. A poem from a friend or loved one must be read and interpreted differently than your car manual, right?
Today’s reading is Genesis 1:1-2:3. We’re stopping at 2:3 because a natural break occurs there and 2:4 most likely begins a new section. (Remember there were no chapters or verses when Genesis was originally written.)
In reading Genesis 1:1-2:3, what type of literature would you label it? Why? How does this help you understand what the author wants to communicate?
Posted in Spiritual Disciplines
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