Rhythms of Grace | Thursday, Week 1

Spiritual Practices: Couch to 5k

Designate a time today for 15 minutes.

Return to your quiet place with a way to listen to music.

Enjoy listening to two of your favorites worship songs. Worship God.

Give thanks to God. Tell Him why you’re thankful.


Miranda - April 23rd, 2020 at 7:39am

Funny story. One of the songs I was listening to kept shutting down on Spotify (maybe because I was trying to multitask on a different tab). It happened three times. So I said, I am sorry. And when I finally gave it my full attention, I finally realized it was God. The lyrics right after where it kept shutting down were the same as yesterday's verse. "Safe inside your hand." "No one can snatch them out of my hand."

Yeah. That's how God talks you me. 🙌🏼

Beth - April 23rd, 2020 at 8:12pm

Because He Lives I can face tomorrow. I listen to it over and over. Today I was telling our grandson About John 10:27 and our solitude discipline. He told me he had just used that very same scripture in a project he was doing🙌🏻

Beth Mitten - April 23rd, 2020 at 9:05pm

As I'm reading this the song is saying "Im putting my trust in you" over and over again. AMEN! Backseat driver by Toby Mac



